Some babies have alternate limbs. If this is a concern please view pictures or ask if your baby has alternate limbs. Do not assume your baby has the limbs that came with it. If it is a concern, ask. Some babies do not have magnets.
Magnets are considered dangerous for elderly people with pacemakers and also for electronic devices if placed too close to a magnet. Magnets can be added at your request. Don't just assume whether a baby has a magnet or not, ask. I have carefully designed each baby to be just as they are. Some have more details than others.
The ethnicity of the baby, the size and age the baby is supposed to represent, how dark or light the blank vinyl already is are factors in deciding what detals a baby will have. Some babies have special things like birth marks, milk spots, baby acne, baby scratches, or rashes. Don't assume that your baby will have any special marks at all. Some also have veining, creasing, and mottling and Some do not.
Don't assume this one does. Many times these features are slight and can barely be seen if at all. Sometimes they show very well. They are part of the artistic process. My babies are nice, they aren't junk.
From time to time I will be putting some babies on sale but the sales will be only for a very short time and will end without notice. So if you see a sale you better grab it while you can. Don't assume the one you are watching will go on sale. Some babies never go on sale. I might also send you an offer. Each baby is photographed in several poses so you can see what he or she looks like. But pictures do not do them justice as they cannot capture their true beauty. Also many times you cannot see the enhancements in the photos. Clothing, toys, belly plates and other items in the pictures are props. Your baby will come home in something else. Outfits pictured are not always available. I change outfits around for photos. You may ask if they can come home in the outfit they are wearing in the picture but don't just assume they will, ask.Babies coming home with magnets will also have a magnetic pacifier I choose and maybe a pacifier clip, if I have one. Every effort will be made to match the pacifier with the outfit but this cannot always be done.
If the baby has no magnet then no pacifier will be provided. I will stick a few in the box depending on what I have and IF there is room in the box. These items in no way represents any sort of box opening. Not all babies have COAS. Some companies give COAS only to their first run babies, the ones they consider perfect in every way.
Bountiful Baby only gives COAS to their first run REALBORNS. Seconds and artist kits don't get one.
They will be perfectly fine babies but won't have COAS. Also sometimes when purchasing doll kits from an individual they will have lost the COA. Not having a COA doesn't mean something is wrong with the baby.
When I run out of Genesis paint, which is heat set, I will be using Bountiful Baby's new Gemini paints which are also heat set. Nearly all my kits come from Bountiful Baby and most of the realborns have coas.
If you want the one that goes to your baby ask and I will send it otherwise I will forget. If you have a question about a baby please ask, in fact ask all the questions you need to in order to make sure you want this baby.I want you to be happy. Please look at all pictures, they are part of the description too. Anything not stated is not implied.
You shouldn't assume anything about this baby. If you are unsure just ask. My babies make great gifts for anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, or any other occasion. They are also great to give that special someone for no reason at all, just because.Check out my other babies, I have lots.