Reborn Baby Dolls

Reborn baby doll

Reborn baby doll
Reborn baby doll
Reborn baby doll
Reborn baby doll
Reborn baby doll
Reborn baby doll
Reborn baby doll

Reborn baby doll
He is on a Reggie's Cuddle Body. Silicone Nick's head was poured by Bobbi Barfoot and he was painted by Loveaboo Nursery.

He is on a newborn Reggie's body and weighs about 6 pounds. He has glass eyes and is a bald baby. He comes with everything pictured including 9 clothing items, a blanket, diapers, pacifiers, bib, toy, mittens, hats, and socks.

He includes his Cerfticate of Authenticity and his Birth Certificate which hasn't been filed out.
Reborn baby doll