Reborn Baby Dolls

Reborn Baby Girl Doll

Reborn Baby Girl Doll
Reborn Baby Girl Doll
Reborn Baby Girl Doll
Reborn Baby Girl Doll
Reborn Baby Girl Doll
Reborn Baby Girl Doll
Reborn Baby Girl Doll
Reborn Baby Girl Doll

Reborn Baby Girl Doll
She is a beautiful baby girl with sparkly blue eyes and lovely complexion all the markings of a real six month old baby. Her hair is thickly rooted in a shade of light brown. Her sweet lips are a shade rose with moisture in between. Her nose is opened, rosy cheeks, little bubble chin, realistic brows, and cute ears. The artist who made her was really talented. Her coloring is very real from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. Her nails are all white tipped. She is 7.8 pounds in weight and 24 inches in height. Baby comes with size 9 month smocked dress by Carriage, white onesie, white bonnet and panties made by her granny, cute leather like shoes, frilly white socks, pink with roses PJ's size 6-9 mo. With nighttime socks, pink and white blanket, baby brush and comb set, and magnetic paci (caution, heart monitors can be effected by strong magnet). Baby comes from a smoke free, pet free, air conditioned home and has never been used as a toy.
Reborn Baby Girl Doll